Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Interested in GAIO's Strategic Plan? Check out the Vision, Mission, & Concept!


The purpose of this plan is to carry out the vision and mission of Ghana Africa International Operations (GAIO). In this process, we expect to develop an organizational culture within GAIO's core team and support group as well as the network such that the goals of GAIO can be reached. This includes a process for achieving the long-term plan to accomplish GAIO’s Vision, Mission and Goals.


GAIO is a San Diego based NGO that is building a sustainable Library and Cultural Center in Akwatia, Eastern Region, Ghana, West Africa. GAIO plans to replicate this flagship concept throughout Ghana and to provide similar educational programs and access to Internet at these various locations. The vision also seeks to promote the integration of education, sustainable development of ecological and cultural resources where the Library and Cultural Center is located. Our vision includes the creation of an alternative model for development that would promote, highlight and advance more holistic approaches and appropriate technologies in Ghana. The vision includes bridging people, culture, technology, education and community development by working in integrated teams from around the world.
Building on what we anticipate is the successful launch and development of the initial center in Akwatia, we plan on developing a network of centers in Ghana that will work to bring together local, regional, national and international experts and community leaders to address community educational, training and cultural development needs. The vision is to develop a model, which will be replicated around the world.


The mission of GAIO is to promote education and cultural development. We plan to do this by offering a center for education and access to information as well as a performance stage for the region of Akwatia, Ghana. The center aims to serve about 20,000 children in the region through an integrated approach to education and cultural development with a focus on youth. Another goal for this center is to use renewable energy and appropriate technologies and avoid negative environmental effects.
The goal is developing a grassroots approach "Teaching people how to access information for education”.
"My wish is to establish a Library for the people of Akwatia so that the full benefits of education in these modern times can be achieved for both personal academic advancement and effective national development." -Chief Akwatiahene in Ghana, West Africa


The focus of GAIO’s effort is the completion of a 12,800 sq ft educational and cultural facility: the Akwatia Library and Cultural Center. This building, which is approximately 10 percent completed, will house educational programs, conduct workshops and host performing arts events. When completed it will conduct operations focused around these areas:
1. Library, which will include separate sections for children and adults as well as the provision of up-to-date books.
2. Internet and computer stations, which will provide access to worldwide research materials and facilitate conduct of research on areas of importance such as food production, health, waste recycling and malaria prevention (this area of Ghana has a very high occurrence rate).
3. Cultural Center will serve the surrounding community and region by providing a year round venue that will host performing arts and cultural events.
As part of a year-end assessment and strategy planning process we have identified short, medium and long-term goals to ensure GAIO’s success with its vision.

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